Find upcoming external events, information, and dates here!

Beantown Camp: june 23rd-30th

A number of our society members drive down to the Boston area for a big dance camp. There are classes and socials, and the whole thing is a big fun road trip, dance whirlwind! It’s a great time, where you can learn lots, and have lots of fun. Link to external site here.

Charlotte Town Swing Weekend: July 2

Charlottetown may be having a swing weekend in July. More information and external links coming as information is available.

Seaside Shimmy: November 4th-6th

Seaside Shimmy is coming back! Our fall weekend of dances, lessons and workshops is returning this November. We hope to have it November 4th-6th, with more information, locations, and events being announced via our Seaside Shimmy website!