Executive Positions Available for 2019-2020

If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please contact the DalKing’s Swing Dance Society via Facebook messenger or email us at dalswing@gmail.com and provide us with a contact email address prior to 11:59 PM, April 10, 2019!

If you are interested in running for any of the student positions "DSU representative DKSDS", "DSU representative co-VP1", "DSU representative co-VP2", and will be a Dalhousie or Kings Student in good academic standing for the 2019-2020 academic year, please email us at dalswing@gmail.com from your valid university-provided email address.

The positions are listed along with their duties.

Voting Positions :-

1) DSU representative DKSDS

DSU representative DKSDS must be a Dalhousie University student in good academic standing.


- To act as "President" as required by DSU society guidelines.

- Co-Signing responsibility for financials.

- Must attend annual Primary Event Organizer Training.

- To submit risk assessments for events and obtain and submit DSU waivers for events as required by DSU policies.

- To ensure society operations in accordance with DSU policies.

- To ensure the smooth operation of the society.

- To cast the tie-breaking vote in the round following a tie during elections at an AGM for positions for which they are not running.

- Renewal of society ratification annually.

- To serve as the main point of contact for communication with the DSU and Dalhousie venues.

- To work together with Co-VPs to ensure availability of and book Dalhousie venues for classes and events.

- To reserve locations for executive and general meetings on the Dalhousie Campus.

2) DSU representative co-VP1

DSU representative co-VP1 must be a Dal or Kings student in good academic standing.


- To act as "Co-Vice President" as required by DSU society guidelines.

- Co-Signing responsibility for financials.

- Must attend annual Primary Event Organizer Training.

- To submit risk assessments for events and obtain and submit DSU waivers for events as required by DSU policies.

- To cast the tie-breaking vote in the round following a tie during elections at an AGM for positions for which they are not running when "President" is unable (which co-vp to be voted upon by executive).

- To deliver the announcement of Annual General Meeting (AGM) via the mailing list at least 2 weeks prior to an AGM.

- To deliver the announcement of any motions that will be voted upon at the AGM via the mailing list at least 48 hours prior to an AGM.

- To work together with President to ensure availability of and book Dalhousie venues for classes and events.

- To reserve locations for executive and general meetings on the Dalhousie Campus.

3) DSU representative co-VP2

DSU representative co-VP2 must be a Dal or Kings student in good academic standing.


- Same as DSU representative co-VP1

 4) Board Meeting Chair


- Scheduling meetings.

Ensuring the appropriate people are made aware of and invited to meetings.

- Setting the agendas for meetings.

- Chairing meetings.

- To work with the Co-Vice Presidents to book space for meetings.

- To maintain a list of procedures for Annual General Meetings in accordance with DSU policies.

- To work with the Events Committee Lead and Communications & Social Media Secretary to ensure the plans for Annual General Meetings satisfy DSU requirements.

5) Communications & Social Media Secretary


- To take minutes at all meetings and maintain a repository of past meeting minutes.

- To create a list of actions agreed to be taken by each executive at each meeting and communicate that list to the executive at meeting end.

- To follow up with each executive and track whether actions have been completed as agreed and review progress on actions at next meeting.

- To maintain a repository of past tasks completed by each executive for the purpose of determining who to consult about past actions.

- To maintain a up-to-date list of responsibilities of each executive member and act as the contact person for these responsibilities.

- To develop and maintain an up-to-date transition plan consisting of the list of activities that need to be performed to transition in and out of each executive position.

- To manage the main DKSDS email, and social media accounts and executive communications channel.

- To provide notice to all members of upcoming events via DKSDS social media accounts and mailing list.

- To provide all records, reports and minutes of meetings to the DSU if requested by the society review committee.

- To manage the list of account access priviledges for the executive.

- To ensure all executive are informed about communications relevant to their respective positions.

- To serve as the main point of contact for regular class non-Dalhousie venues (First Baptist Church).

- To act as Board Meeting Chair in the absence of the Board Meeting Chair.

6) Marketing & Advertising Director:

- To design and maintain a positive and consistent message and image portraying DKSDS for advertisements.

- To manage advertising for the society including planning and execution of advertising campaigns and outreach events. Examples may include postering for classes and special events, paper event tickets, frosh kit coupons, participation in Dal & Kings society fairs, designing Facebook advertisements, promotional flyers and videos, newspaper and radio advertisements, etc.

- Recruiting volunteers to help with the execution of advertising campaigns and outreach events.

- To maintain a repository of digital media (photos, videos, etc) for social media and advertising.

- Communicating with Halifax universities and businesses for the purpose of outreach and advertising.

- Maintaining a knowledge repository of how to execute each advertising campaign.

- To provide the Communications & Social Media Secretary with the required advertising content needed for communications.

- To work together with the Communications & Social Media Secretary and Webmaster to ensure the delivery of advertisements as intended.

7) Membership & Safety Director:

- To maintain the list of registered members of the society and provide the member list to the DSU as required for annual society ratification renewal.

- To design, execute, and manage the 'registration and waiver' process and payment process for all DKSDS events, including braceleting where appropriate.

- To maintain data and statistics related to membership and attendance needed for marketing and executive decisions.

- To work closely with the Webmaster to ensure the successful execution of online registration and payments.

- To work closely with the Marketing & Advertising Director to ensure the continued growth and sustainability of membership numbers.

- To work closely with the Events Committee Lead to ensure successful integration of the registration process into all events.

- To ensure all security and safety requirements for events are met.

- To serve as the main point of contact for the "Safe-Spaces" committee.

- To maintain, update, and oversee the "Safe-Spaces" policy and design other policies as needed to maintain a positive, safe, friendly and non-threatening atmosphere.

- To act as the main executive contact for any safety, behaviour, accessibility or otherwise negative issues arising at society functions and to ensure said issues are properly addressed in accordance with DSU and DKSDS policies.

- To solicit feedback from the membership in the form of surveys, feedback sessions, etc. at regular intervals and assess the level of customer satisfaction with current offerings.

- To maintain a repository of suggestions and complaints from the membership.

- To make suggestions to the executive on how to better satisfy the needs and desires of the membership.

- To provide feedback to the Head Instructor about customer satisfaction levels with current class offerings and curriculum.

- To provide feedback to the Head DJ about customer satisfaction levels with current music practices.

- To ensure that the proper people, especially volunteers and organizers are acknowledged and thanked for their contributions at each event.

- To ensure that everyone is properly recognized and thanked for their contributions to a functioning society.

- To coordinate billeting assignments for events.

- To act as Board Meeting Chair when both the Board Meeting Chair and Communications & Social Media Secretary are absent.

8) Treasurer (appointed):


- Must attend annual treasurer training as provided by the DSU.

- To work with President, and Co-VPs to issue payment of all expenses.

- To provide the most recent bank statement as required for annual society ratification renewal.

- To develop and present a comprehensive budget that includes an estimation of revenues and expenditures of the society for the coming year to be approved by the executive.

- To ensure that the society follows the budget by approving expenditures.

- To present the financial statements for the previous year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

- To maintain at all times and make available upon request by the executive current and correct financial statements and balances needed for decision making by the executive.

- Keep records of all income and expenses within the Society in accordance with DSU regulations.

- Be the responsible person for any auditing by the DSU or KSU.

- To manage the Society bank account, PayPal account, and cash.

- To ensure the presence, safeguarding and storage of the cashbox both during and outside of society events.

- To ensure that an opening cashbox balance (and coin denominations) are calculated before each event and that all volunteers responsible for the cashbox at events properly calculate closing balances (and coin denominations) at event end.

- To assemble adequate floats for the cashbox as necessary and to deposit excess cash into the bank account promptly.

- To oversee the collection of lesson, workshop and event income through established digital and cash collection policies.

- To ensure prices for events are proposed to be voted upon by the executive and that these prices are in line with the budget for each event.

- To read and understand DSU Grants Policy.

- To manage applications for Society Grants to the DSU, and aid members in applying for individual Member Grants through the DSU.

9) Events Committee Lead (appointed):


- To plan and deliver major events. Examples: Seaside Shimmy weekend, workshop weekends with professional instructors, AGM.

- To maintain an active events committee consisting of a group of volunteers who work towards the detailed planning & execution of major and recurring events approved by the executive.

- To plan and chair meetings of the events committee.

- To communicate between the DKSDS executive and events committee.

- To work closely with the Treasurer to ensure financial budgets are respected.

- To work closely with the Communications & Social Media Secretary, Marketing & Advertising Director, and Webmaster to ensure proper advertising and communications for major events.

- To ensure sufficient volunteers are present to staff events. Examples: Registration and admission at events, setup and cleanup at lessons.

Non-Voting Positions:

1) Head DJ (appointed)


- To maintain a list of DJs for the society.

- To ensure that DJs are available as required for all events of the society.

- To conduct DJ training as required to ensure an adequate supply of DJs and to ensure that all DJs have the skills required to DJ events.

- To ensure the safe, continued delivery, setup, operation, and storage of all DJ equipment.

- To communicate between the DKSDS executive and DJs.

- To act as the main point of contact for all DJs and any issues/concerns related to the music offerings of the society.

- To ensure that all classes/events operate within the rules of the appropriate music compensation licenses.

- To ensure the acquisition/renewal of appropriate music compensation licenses.

2) Webmaster (appointed)


- To update and manage all aspects of the DKSDS website as directed by the executive.

- To work closely with the Communications & Social Media Secretary, Marketing & Advertising Director, and Events Committee Lead to ensure consistency of message accross all communications channels.

2) Head Instructor (appointed)[stipend]


- To maintain a list of dance instructors for the society.

- To ensure an adequate supply of skilled instructors for all events/classes offered by the society.

- To communicate with and ensure that instructors are available as required for all classes and events of the society.

- To assign instructors to classes and maintain a class schedule visible by all instructors and the DKSDS executive.

- To communicate between the DKSDS executive and instructors.

- To act as the main point of contact for any issues/concerns related to the content of classes.

- To determine class offerings to meet the objectives and constraints defined by the executive.

- To develop and alter the dance curriculum to be delivered during all classes/events offered by the society.

- To conduct instructor training as necessary to enhance/maintain the necessary skill level of society instructors.