December Module is Fast and Slow Lindy
Dates (3 classes): Wed, Dec 4, Dec 11, Dec 18
Time: 7:30-9 pm
Location: Dalplex
Price: $22.50 (or $10/class)
*Prerequisite: Lindy Level 1a & 1b/Lindy 2---Must be able to be comfortable with swing outs.
Often in classes, we end up practicing things at a steady even tempo, but there’s so much more to dancing than the medium tempo of 150 bpm (beats per minute). Do you ever say to yourself, “Oh I don’t want to dance this’s too slow!” or “’s too fast!” In this class we will stretch the extremes of lindy hop from slower blues tempos up to rip-roaring 200 bpm+ of the great jam sessions. Technique is key to mastering these two ends of the lindy hop spectrum, so learning slow will help us when things get fast, and vice versa. Learn all kinds of tricks and skills for having a great dance, no matter what the speed.
Note: While this is a three-week class is not explicitly progressive, it is encouraged to do all three classes as a whole series if possible.