Thank you for your interest in volunteering with DalKing’s Swing. We sincerely appreciate your interest in helping us grow our community and run the swing dance events that we all love.
We are undertaking a new approach with the way we work with our volunteers. We believe that reaching out through a mailing list will be a more efficient way of communicating with our volunteers than waiting for you folks to come to us as we are doing now with Facebook.
As this volunteer database is being set up, we would ask that you answer a few short questions for us to help better understand what you would like to do as a volunteer.
Understand that answering yes or no to any of these questions does not automatically mean that you are committed to doing any of these tasks, we just want to avoid putting anyone in an uncomfortable situation. Example: asking you to set up tables if you have a pre-existing back injury.
1. What is your preferred method of communication?
2. Can you lift things such as chairs and tables?
3. Would you work a table handling info and/or money?
4. Would you help with setup and tear down?
5. Would you be comfortable dancing at events to showcase DalKing’s Swing?
6. Are you able to drive yourself and others to swing events in other locations?
7. Would you like to learn to DJ?
8. Would you be willing to put up promotional posters for DalKing’s Swing in your community?
9. Would you like to sit on a committee?
10. Would you like to learn to teach dance classes?
Thank you for answering these questions for us.
Looking forward to hearing back from you all!
DalKing's Swing