We are switching to a “Shopping Cart” experience so the form at the bottom of the page is historical.

All the below products are gathered together at /bluenose-blues-products

Preregistration online is open until September 3, 2019 at noon, and spaces are limited. (Pre-registration has closed, but you can still register at the door.)

Sunday events are separate, so if you are an intermediate/advanced blues dancer, add on the Sunday intensive separately.


Friday, 6 September 2019
Evening Location: 1313 Hollis St, Halifax, B3J 1T8
Registration: 6:30-11:00pm
Workshop – Intro to ballroom blues [all levels]: 7:30-9:00 pm
DJ’d dance: 9:00pm-12:00am

At the door: Dance ($10)


Saturday, 7 September 2019

Saturday Workshops
from CA$30.00

Day session: DalPlex, Studio 3 -- 6260 South St, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Registration 9:30-10:15 am and 12:30-1:15 pm

  • tba [all levels]: 10:00am-12:00pm (At the door $35)

    Lunch break 12-1 pm

  • tba [all levels]: 1:00-2:15pm (At the door $45)

  • tba [all levels]: 2:45-4:00pm

At the door: Both Workshops+Dance $60


Saturday Evening dance: 1313 Hollis St, Halifax, B3J 1T8

Lesson with Yivii and Toby: 8:15-9:00


Dance: 9pm-2pm Band: Ced, Marty, and Dave

At the door: $15


Friday and Saturday Pass:

  • Friday night Workshop and Dance

  • Saturday Morning, and Afternoon Workshops

  • Saturday Night dance with Live Music

Does not include Sunday workshop or dance.


Sunday, 8 September 2019

Intermediate and advanced intensive –tba - 12:00 to 1:30 pm

DalPlex, Studio 3 -- 6260 South St, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2

At the Door: $25

Sunday Afternoon: Private lessons can be arranged with Dan [contact Jill for details]

Regular Sunday Evening Dance
Evening: Second Sunday Barrington Blues social dance (blues and blues-fusion)

Haliente studio, 1678 Barrington St (upstairs)

Mini-intro lesson with Jessie: 8:00-8:30pm
social dance 8:30-10:30

Cost: $5 at the Door


To register for the Bluenose blues weekend of workshops and dance, please fill out the following form with your relevant information. to finalize registration, complete Payment and legal requirements lower down the page.

  [After 3 September noon you can register only at the door]

Legal Form

When registering for a new semester of classes, please print out the waiver located here, sign it, and pass it in to an executive member. For those under 19, please also have a parent or guardian co-sign the waiver. We can witness your signing of the form, or you can provide your own.




Event Pass for Friday and Saturday (includes Fri and Sat workshops and dances)

Price: $70

[Note: The Sunday events are not included in the event pass price. Please register separately for the Sunday workshop if you have blues dance experience.]

Sunday intermediate & advanced intensive: $25


A la carte

Friday workshop and dance only: $30

Saturday workshops and dance only: $50

Saturday Morning workshop: $30

Saturday Afternoon workshop: $40

Note: If you can only attend the dances, Friday night is $10 (after 9 pm) and Saturday night is $15. Cash at the door.