Applying for a Position
Applying for a position could come from either scenario:
1. You are nominating and applying yourself for a position of your liking. For example, you like the secretary position and think you would be a good fit, so you submit your interest.
2. You are nominated to apply by someone else for a position you are likely thought of being a good fit for. For example, your friend thinks you would be a good secretary, so they nominate you by sending your application for you. You will then be contacted by the executive following the nomination to discuss the possibility of your running for it and of your interest.
Scenario 1
If you are interested and would like to run for any of the available executive positions available simply email the following:
- Name and email
- Position being applied for (name)
- Short message of reason why applying for the position
- Your qualifications for the position applied for
Scenario 2
If you would like to nominate someone you think should run for any of the available executive positions available simply email the following:
- Name and email of person you are nominating
- Position nominated for (name)
- Short message of reason why your nominee should run for the position
- Their qualifications for the position you are nominating them for