What is an AGM?
An Annual General Meeting (AGM), is an all-members (members who have participated at the DSDS’s lessons during the summer, fall and winter classes or members who have a stamped DalSwing Card) annual meeting, free of charge, filled with fun entertainment – this year including a baking competition and live music with Shirley Jackson & Her Good Rockin’ Daddies, a couple hours of social dancing and the nomination and election of the societies executive members.
*Please read below for more information about location, entertainment and plan of the evening.
**If you do not have a stamp card or do not think you qualify as a member this year, please contact
When: April 9th, 2016
6:30 – 10:00pm
Where: First Baptist Church, 1300 Oxford street
Live Band and Music:
This year we are excited to welcome Shirley Jackson & Her Good Rockin’ Daddies preforming some upbeat tunes around 8 to 10pm (depending on the length of elections). In between the band’s music sets and elections, we will also have some music played by our local DJs from DSDS.
Baking Competition:
Yes, the AGM will hold a baking competition!
DSDS will invite 15 members to make a treat of their choosing and bring it with them at the event. There will be display tables set up for the competitors work until later in the evening leaving a chance for members to give a vote for their favorite treat.
We ask people who are interested in participating for the competition to email dalswing@gmail.com with a small type up of what they have in mind and to arrive at the church hall on April 9th 15-20 minutes early for setting up their displays. We also ask to have all competitors to write a list of ingredients on their display cards as some members may have food allergies.
Hurry to be on the coveted list of Designers of Delectable and Decadent Desserts!
*The baked goods will be eaten later in the evening shortly before the elections.
**If you do have severe food allergies, please email dalswing@gmail.com with more details.
A little bit about the DSDS executive:
The DSDS executive is a group of people who are hard-working and capable, with a love for swing dancing and swing music, and who dedicate themselves to the constitution and betterment of Dalhousie Swing Dance Society.
The Executive is made of different positions such as: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Digital Content Manager, Event Coordinator, Member at large and Community Member.
*For more information about the roles (and/or more) please review our constitution below
How to be nominated for the election at the AGM:
For those who are interested in serving as an executive member:
1- Complete the full read of the constitution and select a position you feel are qualified to do.
2- Email dalswing@gmail.com a brief paragraph of the position you picked and why you picked it.
3- Receive nomination from Dalswing if two of the members of the current executive agree that you have the skills to run for the position and get seconded.
4- Join us at the AGM with a speech prepared and some excitement!
* If you are looking to nominate someone yourself that you think has the right set of skills, simply email dalswing@gmail.com with their full name, a description of why they would be a good candidate and the position in which you think they would have interest in. The current executive will then email them with a nomination to which the nominee can either accept or decline.
* All nominees need to be seconded before April 1st
The Election process at the AGM:
Those who are nominated and have accepted the nomination will introduce themselves and present a small speech to the membership present. Dalhousie and King’s students present will vote for whom they want by secret ballot.
Please note that current executive members can seek re-election.
All positions are volunteer led and require a high level of enthusiasm and commitment!
* The president must have served recently as an executive to be elected
* DSDS require Dalhousie and King’s students to hold at least three positions in the executive (they can be for any of the elected roles)
* The executive will take notes and ask a few questions before the elections about their performance to you during the last year running (May 2015 – April 2016)
**If you are nominated to give a short speech and run for the elections, we ask you to be at the AGM at 7PM or earlier
If you are elected, you’re also in for a treat!
You will receive the following:
- Free yearly membership - $10 value
- Free lessons of one year – approx. $75 for students/ $105 for community (Summer, Fall and Winter Lessons)
- Free Swing Factories admittance and free social dances
*With the exception of all workshop weekends and Swing the Fishes which will not be free of charge